
Thursday, May 19, 2011

I usually write about issues related to amusement ride safety. This time I fell obligated to report on something that I witnessed first hand the McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. While waiting to board a flight to Atlanta on the Delta Concourse, Gate 41 yesterday, the Gate Agent announced that the TSA would be performing secondary screening and to please keep your ID out and available.

The Las Vegas airport has the full body scanners at the main checkpoint, but for some reason they do not appear to use them. Yesterday they were pre-boarding my Delta flight to Atlanta, GA. Dozens of people who had all types of extra bags and items were allowed to board in advance. Then general boarding was called. None of these people were pulled aside and checked. As I boarded with my group of five one of our traveling companions was pulled out of boarding and given a pat down at least three times in certain areas in front of several hundred other Delta passengers.

The pat down was very, very through, the woman was very embarrassed and started to tear up. They went through her bag again, which contain only camera gear. They did not make her take her shoes off.

I do not understand why TSA publicly humiliated this woman in front of hundreds of passengers. You could tell this woman was not hiding anything in or under her clothes. But why seen her through the full body scanner? The TSA web site clears out lines the procedure for pat downs. The Las Vegas TSA agents did not even follow their own rules.

Something needs to be done to stop this type of behavior.

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